Create a Revolution Surface, that is a surface generated by rotating a Path around an axis. Both the path and the axis can be edited at a second time.
How to Use: Activate the generator by pressing the button. Choose a Path by clicking on its Path icon in scene. Press again in scene nearby the path to place the revolution axis. You will be able to correct the result at a second time.
Create a Loft Surface, that is a surface generated by connecting two paths with the same amount of edges with raw lines.
How to Use: Activate the generator by pressing the button. Choose a Path by clicking on its L(Left) or R(Left) button in scene. Choose a second path by pressing again on the L or R button: the second time only paths having the same amount of edges as the first path are available. In case there are no such paths, you can abort with ESC.
Create a Curved Tube, that is a surface generated by a flux of circles connecting two paths with the same amount of edges. Circles are larger or smaller according to how much the paths get closed.
How to Use: Activate the generator by pressing the button. Choose a Path by clicking on its + button in scene. Choose a second path by pressing again on the + button: the second time only paths having the same amount of edges as the first path are available. In case there are no such paths, you can abort with ESC.